Cornish Cross Broiler Chicks
These broilers are top of the line when it comes to being efficient meat producers. Chicks are yellow in color. Both males and females are white in color as adults. In just eight weeks the live weight of males can reach approximately 10lbs and females approximately 8.25lbs. The average feed intake per bird is just 17.5lbs over the period of eight weeks. Approximately 25% of the live weight is breast meat. Approximately 13% of the live weight is thigh meat. Approximately 10% of the live weight is drumstick meat. Overall, an eviscerated bird should average 75% of the live weight. These birds are not bred for egg production; therefore, we do not suggest ordering females with the expectation of them laying eggs.
If you have never ordered Cornish Cross before, we highly recommend checking out this care video from KC Farms. https://youtu.be/jh9ip0zHiG0
Recommended Feeding Instructions: