Our hatchery started out as just a hobby in 2012. Ryan, who was about 13 at the time, started hatching a few eggs from the chickens his parents had bought him at a local feed store earlier that spring. Ryan started hatching just a few chicks here and there, but quickly realized that he had more chickens than he could take care of. He then placed some ads online to sell the extra chickens, but accidentally placed the ads in the wrong area. He soon had people from other areas calling him wanting the chickens. Later, he learned how to ship them in the mail and became NPIP Certified, shipping his chickens throughout the entire United States. You could say Valley Farms Hatchery started by complete accident!
Our hatchery and breeder farms are NPIP Certified and routinely inspected by the Alabama Department of Agriculture. We are certified Avian Influenza and Pullorum-Typhoid clean. We hatch and ship baby chicks weekly February-October and some weeks November-January. Most of our breeder flocks are cared for by local Mennonite families. The rest are maintained by our family. Ryan still hand selects each hen and rooster on all of the farms himself.
Our hatchery is family operated and we truly mean that. Ryan's mom and dad left their contracting business, after 25 years, to come work at the hatchery full-time. Each week we set eggs in our incubators and remove the freshly hatched baby chicks out of the hatchers as a family. While most of the work is kept in the family, we also have some great family friends and seasonal workers that help keep this hatchery hatching!
We look forward to working with you and your farm. We would love to to supply you with Alabama's finest baby chicks!​